After DDLJ showed the right way to love and yet find parental approval, the movie that broke new ground after that was Dil Chahta Hai. Released in 2002 its an iconic movie just for showing what the dil maange more generation that had some disposable income and seen a few years of economic growth aspired for. Indians had seen that mecca of commerce the retail mall for the first time in 1999. Malls were sprouting like greenery in a good monsoon. This movie was so urbanized and contemporary that it seemed so everyday. It was also funny and zippy in the first half and fairly deep in the second half. Of course it had great songs. It showed that rare zing for life and doing your own thing. The song "Koi kahe kahta rahe" was a campus hit.
The movie starts with the 3 friends who wanted to be friends for life. Everyone makes promises like this to their friends during that Goa trip that will have 'breakfast pe beer'. . This is best shown in this scene on friendship itself. This is so relatable since me and my 2 friends exactly decided to have a reunion like this after 10 yrs of campus and we did it!
You want that carefree existence to last forever and then for timepass (for some) and seriously for some, you try to find love.
It probed 3 different approaches to finding love by 3 guys, the guy who has a steady girlfriend - a somewhat tick in the box and he is suffocated by that relationship and then after a few incidents finds solace in the good old arranged marriage. The other one runs away from love at every occasion ( brilliant depicted in the song pyar bekar ki cheez hai) and slowly realizes it. The third one is driven by a mature relationship with someone whom he admires.
There is this famous 'bakar' scene for being a man.
From the 2 women , they seem to be modern but yet stuck with guys they have made a compromise with " itna bhi bura nahi hai" ( not so bad) for various reasons. It was fashionable to have a boyfriend or girlfriend till true love comes along. Capturing the 2 scenes that lead to this conclusion , since Indian cinema had moved to the casual bf/gf routine before the marriage that may not be with the same bf/gf.
Apart from the above you add the passage of time, people's priorities change and then its about balancing different things - a job, a relationship and what you truly want will a mellowing down of your ego when you become truly alone and with yourself. Captured brilliantly in this song Tanhayee.
The movie starts with the 3 friends who wanted to be friends for life. Everyone makes promises like this to their friends during that Goa trip that will have 'breakfast pe beer'. . This is best shown in this scene on friendship itself. This is so relatable since me and my 2 friends exactly decided to have a reunion like this after 10 yrs of campus and we did it!
You want that carefree existence to last forever and then for timepass (for some) and seriously for some, you try to find love.
It probed 3 different approaches to finding love by 3 guys, the guy who has a steady girlfriend - a somewhat tick in the box and he is suffocated by that relationship and then after a few incidents finds solace in the good old arranged marriage. The other one runs away from love at every occasion ( brilliant depicted in the song pyar bekar ki cheez hai) and slowly realizes it. The third one is driven by a mature relationship with someone whom he admires.
There is this famous 'bakar' scene for being a man.
From the 2 women , they seem to be modern but yet stuck with guys they have made a compromise with " itna bhi bura nahi hai" ( not so bad) for various reasons. It was fashionable to have a boyfriend or girlfriend till true love comes along. Capturing the 2 scenes that lead to this conclusion , since Indian cinema had moved to the casual bf/gf routine before the marriage that may not be with the same bf/gf.
Apart from the above you add the passage of time, people's priorities change and then its about balancing different things - a job, a relationship and what you truly want will a mellowing down of your ego when you become truly alone and with yourself. Captured brilliantly in this song Tanhayee.